Shirt Designs.


The Original Breathe for PCD Design

Breathe for PCD began with this single design and one online t-shirt campaign. This design, the Breathe for PCD logo, and Punch PCD in the Face were all created by the amazing designer/illustrator, Tiffany Everett. You can find her at:

My Cilia Don’t Move But I Do.

This design was inspired by PCD warrior, Kristen Weinbel’s words. You can find her on Instagram @thechronichustlemedia


Sunflower Lungs.

This one was designed by yours truly. Like all the other lungs designs, this is available with the sunflower on the opposite side to represent for the 50% of PCDers with Situs Inversus.


Strong Like Me.

Inspired by THIS warrior.

Punch PCD in the Face.

This design was inspired by this story from a young PCD warrior:

Hi, my name is Evan and I am nine years old. I have battled a rare disease called Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (more commonly known as PCD) since I was seven years old. Treatment after treatment, and med after med, the battle began. Then came the day that would change it all. One day, I was watching American Ninja Warrior on TV (The show is awesome!). Up to the starting line came my new favorite competitor, Ryan Ripley, aka the CF Warrior. (CF is a very similar disease to PCD). He talked about how he started running every day and working out. After a while, he started to drop some of his meds. I thought maybe if I worked hard enough I would get the same outcome. So the next day, inspired by the CF Warrior, would be day one of “Operation Punch PCD in the Face.”

Elliot's Hummingbird with white background.png

Elliot’s Hummingbird

Art by my PCD warrior, Elliot.


Created by designer/illustrator, Tiffany Everett. You can find her at:

Rare Together.

300 million people around the world live with a rare disease. Alone, we are few. But together, we are MANY.


Strong Like Rebecca.

Rebecca. This lady. PCD warrior. Post double lung transplant and currently facing organ rejection, she continues to live her life with courage and gratitude. Her LIGHT in the face of dark times shines strong enough to reach those of us watching and cheering for her from afar.

Breathe for PCD.

Spread the word on PCD with this design that directs people to this website where they can learn more about PCD.

All profits from the sale of Breathe for PCD products go directly to the PCD Foundation